事情是这样的,今下午在我在完善修改老人档案表单验证的时候遇到点问题。明明 Save 方法执行成功却报错?

if ( !empty( $ChildrenDate[ 'name' ] ) OR !empty( $ChildrenDate[ 'idcard_no' ] OR !empty( $ChildrenDate[ 'tel' ] ) OR !empty( $ChildrenDate[ 'relation' ] ) ) ) {
    if ( !empty( $ChildrenDate[ 'name' ] ) ) {
        if ( $ChildrenDate[ 'sex' ] AND $ChildrenDate[ 'idcard_no' ] AND $ChildrenDate[ 'tel' ] AND $ChildrenDate[ 'relation' ] == TRUE ) {
            $AddChildren = D( 'OlderFamily' ) -> where( array( 'id' => I( 'id' ) ) ) -> save( $ChildrenDate );
            if ( $AddChildren == FALSE ) {
                print_r( D( 'OlderFamily' ) -> getLastSql() );die;
                // $this -> error( "数据操作失败,请与管理员联系!" );
        else {
            $this -> error( '请补充完整家属信息!' );
    else {
        $this -> error( '请输入家属姓名!' );


UPDATE `glbt_older_family` SET `older_id` = 31649,`name` = '阿川',`sex` = 2,`idcard_no` = '412727200001160414',`tel` = '18623947428',`relation` = '家人' WHERE( `id` = 4000 );
> Affected rows: 0
> 时间: 0.001s

执行了一下UPDATE并返回 0,也就是说语法并没有错只是没有修改数据。然后我又改变 sex 值为 1,然后返回了Affected rows: 1修改成功了!


// Model.class.php
public function save ( $data = '', $options = array() )
    if ( empty( $data ) ) {
        if ( !empty( $this -> data ) ) {
            $data = $this -> data;
        else {
            $this -> error = L( '_DATA_TYPE_INVALID_' );
            return FALSE;
    $data = $this -> _facade( $data );
    $options = $this -> _parseOptions( $options );
    if ( !isset( $options[ 'where' ] ) ) {
        if ( isset( $data[ $this -> getPk() ] ) ) {
            $pk                 = $this -> getPk();
            $where[ $pk ]       = $data[ $pk ];
            $options[ 'where' ] = $where;
            unset( $data[ $pk ] );
        else {
            $this -> error = L( '_OPERATION_WRONG_' );
            return FALSE;
    $result = $this -> db -> update( $data, $options );
    return $result;

// Db.calss.php
public function update ( $data, $options )
    $sql   = 'UPDATE '
        . $this -> parseTable( $options[ 'table' ] )
        . $this -> parseSet( $data )
        . $this -> parseWhere( isset( $options[ 'where' ] ) ? $options[ 'where' ] : '' )
        . $this -> parseOrder( isset( $options[ 'order' ] ) ? $options[ 'order' ] : '' )
        . $this -> parseLimit( isset( $options[ 'limit' ] ) ? $options[ 'limit' ] : '' )
        . $this -> parseLock( isset( $options[ 'lock' ] ) ? $options[ 'lock' ] : false );
    return $this -> execute( $sql );

// DbPdo.class.php
public function execute ( $str )
    $this -> initConnect( TRUE );
    if ( !$this -> _linkID )
        return FALSE;
    $this -> queryStr = $str;
    $flag             = FALSE;
    if ( $this -> dbType == 'OCI' ) {
        if ( preg_match( "/^\s*(INSERT\s+INTO)\s+(\w+)\s+/i", $this -> queryStr, $match ) ) {
            $this -> table = C( "DB_SEQUENCE_PREFIX" ) . str_ireplace( C( "DB_PREFIX" ), "", $match[ 2 ] );
            $flag          = (boolean) $this -> query( "SELECT * FROM user_sequences WHERE sequence_name='" . strtoupper( $this -> table ) . "'" );

    if ( !empty( $this -> PDOStatement ) )
        $this -> free();
    N( 'db_write', 1 );

    G( 'queryStartTime' );
    $this -> PDOStatement = $this -> _linkID -> prepare( $str );
    if ( FALSE === $this -> PDOStatement ) {
        throw_exception( $this -> error() );
    $result = $this -> PDOStatement -> execute();
    $this -> debug();
    if ( FALSE === $result ) {
        $this -> error();
        return FALSE;
    else {
        $this -> numRows = $this -> PDOStatement -> rowCount();
        if ( $flag || preg_match( "/^\s*(INSERT\s+INTO|REPLACE\s+INTO)\s+/i", $str ) ) {
            $this -> lastInsID = $this -> getLastInsertId();
        return $this -> numRows;

通过$result = $this -> db -> update( $data, $options );找到UPDATE更新语句方法。
再通过return $this -> execute( $sql );找到execute执行语句方法。

$this -> numRows = $this -> PDOStatement -> rowCount();
if ( $flag || preg_match( "/^\s*(INSERT\s+INTO|REPLACE\s+INTO)\s+/i", $str ) ) {
    $this -> lastInsID = $this -> getLastInsertId();
return $this -> numRows;


也就是说它返回的 SQL影响行数就是我判断的参数,根据SQL输出来说返回个0,是的,是个0。我的判断$AddChildren == FALSE
我瞬间就特么服了Save这个方法…,返回给我0,我是用等于号对比值0 == FALSE这玩意貌似没啥意义…
